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Ballet is for Every Body and Every Age

“If you go in with the right mindset you can do anything.   

-Mary, EBA dancer. 

It can be challenging and intimidating to try something new at any age. In an effort to create a welcoming and safe space for movers of all ages and levels, the Eugene Ballet Academy has recently developed a new program called ‘Ballet Foundations’. Classes within the foundations program are designed for total beginners within specific age ranges to cover the basics and give dancers the confidence to progress in their dance studies. Foundations 1 for ages 8-10, Foundations 2 for ages 11-14, and Adult Foundations for ages 15-115. 

We had the chance to meet via Zoom with 12-year-old Mary, who is currently enrolled in Foundations 2, to learn a bit more about her and her experience. 

EBA: What inspired you to start taking ballet classes? 

Mary: I wanted to start something new during quarantine and thought ballet would be a fun thing to try out. 

E: Did you start anything else new during quarantine? 

M: The ukulele. 

E: Cool! Do you play any other instruments? 

M: I used to play to piano, and I might start to play the guitar soon too. 

E: Do you play any sports? 

M: I’m a competitive swimmer. And actually, swimming and dance help each other. 

E: Oh really! In what ways? 

M: Leg strength from swimming helps in dance, and ballet gives you extra coordination. 

E: That’s a really neat observation! Do you plan to continue with ballet? Try out another dance style? 

M: I want to keep doing the foundations class, and maybe try jazz or contemporary. 

E: What is your favorite part of class? 

M: Ms. Savannah (the instructor) is super nice. If you do something wrong, she corrects you, but doesn’t make you feel bad about it. 

E: Do you feel that training in ballet has given you more confi­dence to try new things? 

M: I was nervous going in that I would be too old to try something new. It gives me confidence that if I ever want to try something new, I can do it at any age. 

E: What would you say to another person your age interested in starting ballet, but feeling nervous to try? 

M: I would tell them that you can do anything you set your mind to. If you go in with the right mindset you can do anything. 


Our current schedule for Foundations classes can be found HERE. 

We hope you feel inspired to try something new and join us for a dance class soon! 

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