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A Message From Eugene Ballet

Due to the precautions taken by the State of Oregon, the Hult Center for the Performing Arts, and our leadership, we are postponing our April 4 – 5 performances of Heaven and Earth to September 18 & 20, 2020. We are deeply disappointed to end our 41st season early, and the safety of our staff, dancers, crew, and patrons remains our top priority.

In addition to postponing Heaven and Earth, and in conjunction with 4-J schools, we are closing our Academy for an initial period of March 16 – 29, 2020.

Despite postponing our final performance of the season and canceling Academy classes, we are taking steps to ensure that business at Eugene Ballet remains as stable as possible. First, we are continuing rehearsals with our Company, so come September we are ready to perform. This means our dancers will be able to complete their contracts for the season, and continue to be paid. To keep our dancers and staff safe, we are incorporating additional cleaning procedures throughout the building and asking anyone who doesn’t feel well to stay home.

We are also discussing options for Academy students to make up missed classes and researching continued training via video meeting platforms in an effort to keep as many staff paid as possible and as many students dancing as we can.

This is an unprecedented scenario for all of us at Eugene Ballet, and we are grateful for your patience and understanding as we navigate this challenging time. We know this is a challenging time for all of you as well, and while we are ensuring that as many plans remain uninterrupted as possible, the future of our communities and audiences can feel uncertain.

For centuries art has been both a celebration and a respite from the trials of our complicated lives. We are resilient as a community and will use dance, among other forms of art, to get us through these next twists and turns. We will continue to share our love of performing via live streaming rehearsals and interviews with artists to help us focus on the positives and the future. So keep dancing, keep creating, keep singing, and keep hoping. And we look forward to seeing all of you at our next performances.

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