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Sarah Mauney


Sarah Mauney began her dancing training in Bend, Oregon at four years old at Terpsichorean Dance Studio for Modern dance & Central Oregon School of Ballet under the direction of Zygmund and Sarah Sawiel. Her training in ballet, jazz and West African Dance styles continued at the Young Musicians and Artists summer program at Willamate University where she was privileged to learn under the tutelage of then EBC principle dancer, Jennifer Martin. Sarah got her BA in Dance Performance in Choreogaphy from St. Olaf Collage, her MFA from University of Colorado, Boulder and is certified in the Alexander Technique. Sarah’s professional career includes dancing and choreogrpahing professionally in Oregon, North Carolina, Illinois, & Colorado. Sarah is passionate about teaching her students how to use their bodies beautifully and efficiently.  

Sarah has also received experience-based training from Chicago Children’s Theatre to create learning environments for students with autism and other neuro diverse learners. In addition to teaching the students at EBA, Sarah is the owner and operator of Sarah Mauney Movement (an Alexander Technique Teaching Studio) and is the COO of Outpour Charitable Advisors, LLC. 

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